Sponsorship and Breath Care for Kids: custom made

Breath Care for Kids shows tangible results from your financial support. We do realise like no other that results of your donations need to be measurable and visible. You have a wide choice of sponsorship options:

  • land, buildings and supplies
  • home furnishing
  • living maintenance
  • education
  • culture, sports and recreation
  • medical care and support

Please ask us for the possibilities for direct support of our projects.

Breath Supporters' Club:

To guarantee the long term care of our children we ask you to becme a member of our Breath Supporters' Club. The funds generated through our Supporters' Club enable us to finance the operational costs of our projects. The governments provide us a sum per child but these contributions are not sufficient to deliver our quality bench marks of care that we want to give the children. As an example: in the Summer of 2011 during the extremely hot temperatures in Georgia we were able to get a swimming pool. This will be outside the home's garden in Summer and in Winter it will be stored away. Direct support for our childrend, directly visible.

Will you become a sponsor? Let us know.

Financial Adoption Plan:

Om de kinderen financieel te ondersteunen zijn wij druk bezig met het ontwikkelen van speciale financiele adopties. Wij onderscheiden daarbij de volgende mogelijkheden:

To support the children financially we are working hard developing special financial adoption. We are distinguishing the following opportunities:

  • cup/mug
  • plate
  • bed
  • going to school
  • at school
  • sports & culture

Ask us for the possibilities. You will find more further on.

Breath Education Fund:

Om jongeren de kans te geven zich te ontwikkelen op het gebied waarin zij talentvol zijn hebben wij een Studiefonds in het leven geroepen. Dit Studiefonds maakt het voor jongeren van zowel binnen als buiten onze projecten mogelijk om door te gaan met hun studie en zich te ontwikkelen op hun vakgebied. Het studiefonds is aan strenge regels gebonden waarbij een bankrekening met bijbehorende bankpas wordt geopend voor het betreffende kind. Zelf zijn zij verantwoordelijk voor het regelen van hun bankzaken en door het inbouwen van controlemomenten houden wij scherp in de gaten hoe alles verloopt. Voordeel van deze methode is dat zij naast het vervolgen van hun studie ook leren financieel hun eigen zaken te regelen.

To give youths the opportunity to develop their talents we have set up the Breath Education Fund. This Education Fund enables youths from both inside and outside our projects to continue their education and to further develop their skills and talents in their vocation and fields of study. The Education Fund is subject to stringent rules, involving for instance opening a bank account with accompanying bank (debit) card for the child. They are responsible for sorting out their banking and by building in control measures we keep a close eye on the process. The advantage of this method is that next to their education the youths learn how to sort out their financial responsibilities.

Interested? Get in touch.