Breath Care for Kids launches international Anti Corona crisis team


A worldwide crisis has broken out on an unprecedented scale. It affects almost everybody in the world. Breath Care for Kids is being confronted with the virus in our project countries. Breath Care for Kids has the responsibility for 4 homes for street children and disabled children in Georgia, 4 homes for street children in Ukraine and 60 disabled children in our children’s village in Romania. Furthermore there are various former occupants of our projects who have now raised their own families with whom we are still in close contact.

Measure taken to prepare for Corona problems

We have taken the following measures to prepare against possible Corona problems inside our projects:

- we have set aside part of our budget from sponsorship money to take precautions, to purchase extra stock and extra healthy foods for our children and staff

- an internist and a medical adviser are on standby in The Netherlands to give remote advice and to answer any questions that may come up in our projects. Despite their enormously hard jobs they are offering to give this medical support completely selfless and free of charge

- For each individual country we have established messaging groups to supply information, advice and latest news in the native languages. When possible former inhabitants of our projects will be taken up in these groups and when needed and possible they will also be supported

- If and when an individual in any of our projects has to go into quarantine or isolation, a designated room will be available so that the individual can be taken care of under normal circumstances

- This room has been prepared with various facilities like communication devices etc

- Our local staff will constantly monitor the local situation regarding street children and other vulnerable children

In this way we hope to be as much prepared as possible if problems occur within our projects.

For more information, please get in touch with:

Nico de Borst

Chairman breath Care for Kids
